The Struggle is Real

The Struggle is Real

Life gets busy sometimes. Work. Home. Family. Pets. Exercise. Social events. And then you take on something new and exciting and you devote all your waking time and attention to it. You think about it all the time. It could be a new fitness routine or hobby. Or a new job or business venture.

You breathe it. Live for it. All day, everyday.

But then you run into a problem. You hit a wall.

It happens. Often. And to many of us.

You’re not drinking enough water. Not eating right or eating enough. You start skipping your gym workouts and daily meditation practice or if you do it, you’re not present and it’s all a bit rushed. You’re definitely not getting enough sleep.

You get run down and sick and then it all becomes a bit of a struggle!

So how do you get back on track? How do you find that balance?

You’ve got to make a conscious effort to change some of your regular daily behaviours.

Here a few suggestions…

  1. Drink enough water each day – make sure you have a big bottle of water on your desk at all times. Staying hydrated seems like a simple one, but an easy one to overlook!
  2. Have a complete breakfast – get your avo and eggs over that quick bowl of cereal! Healthy fats help to fuel your brain for the day ahead!
  3. Set a bed time and stick to it. No work – laptop or iPhone after 9pm. Recovery isn’t just important for athletes. We all need time to rest and recharge.
  4. Set aside time each day to chill out/talk with your partner or loved ones – and be present – no phones!
  5. Diarize your meditation, workouts and downtime – that way you’re accountable – to yourself – make the time to keep yourself balanced – mind and body!

Finding that balance can be the difference between thriving and struggling. Prolonged periods of fatigue and dehydration can take it toll on your health and well-being – both physically and mentally.

Thanks for reading!

#stress #diet #exercise #mentalhealth

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