Osteoporosis Case Study: What Should Susan Do?

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Meet Susan

Susan recently suffered a fall attempting to lift a 2.5kg bag of soil overhead in her garden shed when she felt her leg give way.

She slipped and landed on her L hip and incurred a fracture at the medial end of her L femur.

Following initial hospital treatment and physio-based rehabilitation, Susan’s GP also advised she complete a bone density scan.

This scan revealed a T-score of -1.8 in her lumbar spine (osteopenic diagnosis) and -3.0 in her hips (osteoporotic diagnosis).

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What Should Susan Do?

After the initial treatment process as well as the introduction of an appropriate pharmacological intervention, Sue’s next course of action should be addressing her recent diagnosis of lowered bone density and working to minimise the risk of any future falls

Each of these concerns may be addressed with the guidance of an AEP who can assess Sue’s functional capacity for exercise, as well as any other co-morbidities that may be addressed via exercise-based treatment

women lifting weights

What would Susan’s exercise-based treatment look like?

Based on the FITT Principle: Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type


Resistance training at least 2 days per week, allowing at least 1 day of rest between sessions


Moderate-vigorous intensity levels

The amount of stress placed on the bones is important, if weights are too light, they will not affect/change bone mass.

If weights are too heavy, they might overload the bones, inspiring a potential a fracture. 

These are general guidelines for OP, intensity should be individualised based on OP severity


2 sets of 8-12 repetitions for all major muscle groups, try to prioritise multi joint compound movements such as squats, deadlifts, chest press, etc.


Strength-based resistance training (RT)

Start with an emphasis on lower body RT first to help minimise falls risk. This isn’t to say upper body should be neglected though as the wrist and shoulder joints are also highly susceptible to fractures.

It’s always a good idea to start with weight machines rather than free weights (dumbbells/barbells) to learn lifting form/positions and eliminate balance risk.

As strength, confidence, and balance improve; try to incorporate free weights

Don’t have access to a gym or exercise facility?

That’s okay, there is plenty that can be done in a home environment with free weights and resistance bands

healthy ageing

Expected outcomes for Sue

Flash forward one year after Susan had been diagnosed with Osteopenia in her spine and Osteoporosis in her hip and she’s taken the initiative to seek out an EP and conducted consistent strength training since.

She completed another bone density scan which showed a T-score of -1.6 in her lumbar spine (osteopenic diagnosis) and -2.6 in her hips (osteoporotic diagnosis).

Susan also engages in regular balance practice across her day such as single leg standing when waiting for her food in the microwave or when brushing her teeth to help minimise any future falls risk.

She has also increased her protein and calcium intake to ensure she is acquiring enough vitamins and minerals that will allow for effective recovery and meaningful strength training outcomes.

Most importantly Susan now feels much more stable and confident when working in her garden, using step ladders, lifting objects overhead and completing tasks of everyday living.

The primary goal of strength training for Osteoporosis isn’t just building muscle and strength, it’s about increasing our functional capacity for daily living so we can get back to doing the things we love sooner than later.

If you’re interested in starting your exercise journey for your health today, reach out to our team at RedoHealth today for an Exercise Physiology consultation.

Osteoporosis Management at RedoHealth

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At Redohealth we offer several services that can help you manage Osteoporosis. 

1:1 Sessions: The first step is to seek out an initial consultation with our Exercise Physiologist who can review your overall physical wellbeing, functional capacity and strength tolerance based on Osteoporosis severity and/or other underlying health conditions.

Classes: Following this review, our Exercise Physiologist can help you get started on your treatment journey with enrolment in one of our two exercise-based class:

  • Rebound for Healthy Bones Class: A specifically designed bone-building strength and conditioning group class, carefully curated with a focus on stimulating muscle growth and bone density, as well as recovery, rehabilitation, and prevention from injury, surgery, or chronic illness. Ideal class for those with Osteopenia and/or Osteoporosis, whether you have been living with this diagnosis for years or newly diagnosed.
  • Refit Strength & Conditioning Class: A dynamic high-intensity strength and conditioning class designed to challenge your body and mind to help you rebuild your strength and fitness, feel energised and youthful, and boost longevity.

If you are dealing with any specific aches/pains or movement restrictions, out EP pay prefer you to one of our Physiotherapists for a comprehensive full body assessment.

Alternatively, our Exercise Physiologists can also offer guidance and advice via an extended consultation for those wishing to exercise independently in a home or gym-based setting with an individualised exercise program. These consultations may also be followed up with regular reviews to address any exercise concerns, changes in health, or exercise program updates.

If you’re concerned about your bone health, chat to Exercise Physiologists at Redo Health today to discuss the right exercise program that is tailored to your specific needs. 

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