Exercise Right…With an Exercise Physiologist!

Exercise Right...With an Exercise Physiologist!

Have you ever wondered what an Exercise Physiologist does? For that matter, do you even know what an Exercise Physiologist is?

Exercise Physiologists (EPs) are university-trained allied health professionals that are experts when it comes to the benefits exercise – having a sound basis in the physiology of exercise with knowledge of the principles of exercise and how to manipulate these for chronic health conditions (e.g. Diabetes, COPD) to improve fitness levels and health and wellness (weight loss, strength & conditioning, athletic performance).

An EP is much more than an ordinary personal trainer that you find in a gym. With a university education, they have a wealth of knowledge about the human body, how it works and the benefits of exercise on the body – both mentally and physically.

EPs analyse the fitness of their patients to help them improve their health and maintain good health. They use stress tests and other assessment tools to evaluate cardiovascular function and metabolism. From their findings and the patient’s goals, they design a fitness plan to build endurance and strength and increase fitness and flexibility.

They prescribe exercise as medicine – for health, fitness or rehabilitation. They may recommend Pilates, home or gym-based exercise programs. Some EPs have a special interest in behavioural change and will advise on behavioural modification programs.

Exercise Physiologists treat a variety of health conditions, including:

  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Osteoporosis
  • Depression
  • Musculoskeletal conditions (e.g. back pain)
  • Many other health conditions

What will an EP do for you?

Administer exercise stress tests to assess your body’s response to exercise
Evaluate your overall health with specific attention to metabolism and cardiovascular function
Develop an individualised exercise prescriptions to increased physical fitness, strength, endurance and flexibility
Design a customized exercise programs to meet your health care needs and athletic performance goals.

For more information on how our Exercise Physiologist can help you contact us today!

#exercise #exercisephysioloigst #strength

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